I first published this article on 10.2.2022 but as usual it was not final. I had written the Vision, Needs and Observations of the current situation, evaluated how it works and possibilities to tweak. I came back to the design in September 2023. Now I decided I need to narrow down the scope from “Buildings and Energy systems” to “Energy at Iso-orvokkiniitty”. Possible spin-offs (i.e. other designs) are “Water and […]

6 Jan

I published this article first in Finnish on iso-orvokkiniitty.fi on 4.1.2021. Here I used Google Translate for translation which worked surprisingly well (you could actually use Google translate to read our Finnish articles and mostly make sense of them). I have corrected obvious translation errors and done small updates but basically the text is as the original text. In the summer and autumn of 2013, the decision matured for us […]