=> Courses, workshops, visits attended = receiving

<= Courses, workshops, visits given = sharing (“with Erkki” means he was the main teacher)


  1. => I have done my PDC in France at Le Ferme du Bec Hellouine in August and September 2014. I have reported about the course in Finnish in our blog at that time (pre-course, 1st week, 2nd week).


  1. => 7.3.2015: Keynote speech (Expo West, Anaheim) by Paul Stamets about Mushrooms and Bee Health.
  2. => 10.3.2015: Visit to Field & Forest Products mushroom farm in Green Bay, MI, USA. Report in Finnish.
  3. <= 29.3.2015: Shiitake inoculation workshops at Iso-orvokkiniitty with Erkki.
  4. => 10.6.2015: Visit to organic shiitake farm “Dulbeni” in Latvia. Report in Finnish.
  5. => 12.9.2015:  ”Biodling med topplistkupa” (Bee keeping with Top List Hives) by Patrick Sallman  in Alafors (in Swedish), Sweden. (Report of the course in Finnish.)
  6. => 19.-20.9.2015: Edible forest gardens and how to design a green house by Jerome Osentowski. The lectures by Jerome were in Överby in Espoo on 19.9.2015 and the practical workshop at Iso-orvokkiniitty on 20.9.2015.


  1. => 5.3.2016: ”Biodling med topplistkupa” (Bee keeping with Top List Hives) by Patrick Sallman in Fiskars, Finland (in Swedish). (We arranged the course together with Patrick.)
  2. <= 9.4.2016: MEHILÄISEMPÄÄ MEHILÄISHOITOA YLÄLISTAPESILLÄ -PERUSKURSSI (Course on Beecentric Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives) in Sammatti with Erkki (in Finnish).
  3. <= 23.4.2016: Shiitake inoculation workshops at Iso-orvokkiniitty with Erkki.
  4. <= 2.7.2016: MEHILÄISEMPÄÄ MEHILÄISHOITOA YLÄLISTAPESILLÄ -Työpaja (Practical Workshop on Natural Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives) with Erkki
  5. <=> 24.-28.10.2016: Workshop about building a straw bale clay house: building the straw bale walls at Iso-orvokkiniitty, with Charlie Jespergaard.


  1. <= 1.4.2017: MEHILÄISEMPÄÄ MEHILÄISHOITOA YLÄLISTAPESILLÄ -PERUSKURSSI (Course on Beecentric Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives) at Karjalohja Village House “Kehrä” with Erkki.
  2. <= 15.4. & 23.4.2017 Shiitake inoculation workshops at Iso-orvokkiniitty with Erkki.
  3. => 25.-28.4.2017: Brick laying workshop with experienced brick layers led by Heikki Hyytiäinen from Suomalaiset Tulisijat: Building 2 low-emission massive ovens and kitchen stove at Iso-orvokkiniitty. Report in blog in Finnish.
  4. <=> 15.5.2017: Clay Walls Workshop PART 2 at Iso-orvokkiniitty: Making the clay mixture ready and preparing the walls for plastering, with Charlie Jespergaard.
  5. <=> 10.6.2017: Clay Walls Workshop PART 3 at Iso-orvokkiniitty: First layer plastering, with Charlie Jespergaard.
  6. <=> 12.-13.7.2017: Clay Walls Workshop PART 4 at Iso-orvokkiniitty: 2nd layer plastering, with Charlie Jespergaard. The whole wall plastering process has been reported in our blog in Finnish.
  7. <=> 4.-7.8.2016 we attended the Nordic Permaculture Festival in Isnäs, Finland. This has been reported in Finnish in our blog.  I held a workshop about beekeeping together with Auli Kontinen. My focus was in top bar hives and I had one demonstration hive with me (without bees).
  8. => 3.9.2017: Syötävä metsäpuutarha -päivä (Eadible forest garden day) with Joel Rosenberg and Juha Ujula in Laitila. Field trip to Joel’s forest garden, Juha’s fruit tree greenhouse and Vakka-Taimi tree nursery.
  9. <=> 23.9.2017: Sieni-ihmisten päivä (Mushroom peoples’ day) in Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki. Table-top show and short presentation about outdoor shiitake cultivation together with Eric Puro and Mycohacklab Chris Holtslag.
  10. <=> 29.10.2017: TYÖPAJA SAVILATTIAN TEOSTA (Workshop: Making a Clay Floor) with Charlie Jespergaard.
  11. => 16.-17.11.2017  I attended the 3rd Agroforestry Conference in Alnarp, Sweden. The program is available here. On 15.11.2017  I attended the Field Trip visiting three Swedish examples of Agroforestry: Bokeslundsgården in Hörby, Holma Forest Garden in Höör and Long-term agroforestry field trials at Lönnstorp at SLU Alnarp.  


 (Erkki Poytaniemi)
Pinja ploughing with Miika Åfelt while Marja is looking on. 19.5.2018
  1. =>  9.-11.2.2018: I and Marja attended the Nordic Institute for Permaculture annual meetings at Holma Folkhögskola in Sweden. The Nordic Institute manages the permaculture diplomas in the Nordic countries. Activities of the NI were discussed. There was also meetings about developing LAND centres in Nordic countries and a visit to the Holma forest garden. Two Diploma works were presented and certified.
    • Henrik Haller: “The development through permaculture design of the project Casa Montesano in Nicaragua”

Andreas Jonsson’s Site based design of his smallholder farm in Skåne, Sweden.

 (Erkki Poytaniemi)
Tuomas Mattila explaining the wind-break with planted willow and alder. 15.6.2018

<= 22.4. & 28.4.2018 Shiitake inoculation workshops at Iso-orvokkiniitty with Erkki. <= 6.5.2018: Mehiläisempää mehiläishoitoa ylälistapesillä -kurssi (Course on Beecentric Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives) at Karjalohja Village House “Kehrä” with Erkki (7 participants). => 19.5.2018 We participated in a Draft horse course (Hevospeltotyökurssi) including ploughing, harrowing and seeding a field at Koroinen in Turku. The teacher was Miika Åfelt. <= 3.6.2018 I held a whole day course on Beecentric beekeeping with topbar hives (Mehiläisempää mehiläishoitoa ylälistapesillä) in Koroinen. There were appr. 20 participants. => 15.6.2018 We participated in the “Alley cropping field trip”  to Kilpiän farm in Pusula, Southern Finland. The field trip was organised by AFINET (Agroforestry Innovation Networks).


  1. <= 12.1.2019: Mehiläisempää mehiläishoitoa ylälistapesillä -kurssi (Course on Beecentric Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives) for Oma Maa cooperative in Helsinki with Erkki.
  2. <= 14.4. & 20.4.2019 Shiitake inoculation workshops at Iso-orvokkiniitty with Erkki (15-16 participants both times).
  3. => 27.4.2019: Metsäpuutarhapäivä (Forest Garden day) at Annala, Helsinki. Speakers Joel Rosenberg and Philip Weiss (Stjärnsund, Sweden (60 participants)
  4. <= 5.5.2019: Course on Beecentric Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives in English at Karjalohja Village House “Kehrä” with Erkki (15 participants).
  5. <= 18.5.2019: Mehiläisempää mehiläishoitoa ylälistapesillä -kurssi (Course on Beecentric Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives) at Karjalohja Village House “Kehrä” with Erkki (14 participants).
  6. => 17.6.2019: Peltometsäviljelyseminaari (Agroforestry Seminar) in Qvidja Manor, organised by BSAG (Baltic Sea Action Group)


  1. <= 16.5.2020 Mehiläisempää mehiläishoitoa ylälistapesillä -verkkokurssi  (Course on Beecentric Beekeeping with Top-Bar Hives) was held online this time due to covid19 using the GoToMeeting platform.
  2. => 14.-15.7.2020: Visiting 2 permaculture sites in Latvia:
    1. homestead “Zadini” with Elgars Felcis (Chairman of Latvian Permaculture Association)
    2. Smiltenei un Latvijai” with Thomas Krüger
  3. <=> 26.7.2020: Suomen Permakulttuuriyhdistyksen kesätapaaminen (Finnish Permaculture Association Summer come-together) at Lillklob Permaculture in Espoo.
  4. <=> 8.8.2020: Permaculture Guild meeting at Iso-orvokkiniitty with Dominik Jais and Marja Nuora.


  1. <=> 28.1.2021: Honungsbin & Bihållning / ONLINE organised by Townfarm in Loviisa. Speakers were Hannes Bonhoff from Sweden and myself. Hannes has co-founded the Honungbiföreningen in Sweden (Honeybee association) with the aim to understand honeybees as superorganisms and supporting rewilding of honeybees. My part was to speak about permaculture oriented beekeeping, my path as a beekeeper and keeping bees in topbarhives. The webinar lasted 2 hours with 1 hour for discussions. 36 participants. In Swedish.
  2. <= 27. and 28.3.2020 (2 half days) Mehiläisempää mehiläishoitoa ylälistapesillä -verkkokurssi  (Course on Beecentric Beekeeping) was held online using the GoToMeeting platform. I renewed the content speaking more about wild honeybees and darwinian beekeeping with less stress on vertical topbarhives than earlier.
  3. <= 15.4. and 22.4.: 1 hour speech in “Permapuheet” (Permatalk) organised but the Finnish Permaculture Association. The first part was about permaculture design by the honeybees in nature and second part about keeping and caring for honeybees from permaculture perspective.
  4. => 23.-25.4.2021: Building your Permaculture Property Book launch + Global Summit (Verge Permaculture)
  5. => 31.5. – 4.6.2021: International Forest Garden / Food Forest Symposium 2021 (Agroforestry Research Trust) (The symposium was supposed to be in 2020 but was now arranged online).
  6. 13.11.2021: Finnish Permaculture Association’s General Autumn meeting in Tampere. I was chosen as board member.
  7. <=> 13.11.2021: Dominik Jais Diploma presentation. I acted as one of the peers.


  1. => CEED – Cultural Emergence Effective Design – course January – March 2022 (7 weeks)
  2. <=> 11.-13.3.2022: Nordic Diploma Gathering arranged by Nordic Permaculture Academy at Holma Fölkhögskolan, Sweden with 17 Danish, Swedish and Finnish diploma apprentices including myself and Marja.
  3. <= MEHILÄISEMPÄÄ MEHILÄISHOITOA -internet course 27.-28.3.2021
  4. Permaculture Association Spring meeting in Karjalohja 21.5.2022
  5. Participating in monthly meetings of the Finnish Permaculture Association board and General Circle.
  6. Participating in monthly Nordic Diploma apprentice meetings (Nordic MOG) arranged by the NDA on Zoom: 7.6.2022, 7.7.2022, 7.8.2022, 7.9.2022,
  7. Participating in the new Education circle at Permaculture Association. 3 Jitsi meetings in February – April.
  8. => Participating in the Nordic Permaculture Festival in Vesilahti 4. to 7. July 2022 with a large number of permaculture related presentations.
  9. <= Holding our 1st Permakulttuurin Perusteet (Introduction to Permaculture) course at Iso-orvokkiniitty. 12 people participated through the 2 day course on 21.-22. August.
  10. <= Maaperäkurssi (Soil course, Food Wide Web), Kimmo Englund, Tallbackan puutarha 18.9.2022
  11. => 23.-25.9.2022. The Permaculture Design Conference. Verge Permaculture.
Extinction Rebellion Rebel tent in front of Oodi library in Helsinki.

12. <= 9.10.2022. 40 minutes “What is Permaculture?” speech with Q&A for Extinction Rebellion (Elokapina) in Helsinki in front of Oodi library.

13. => 26.9.-23.12.2022. Sociokratikursen på Holma 2022.

14. <= 11.10.2022. Presentation: “Vattenhantering i Iso-orvokkiniitty” i “Närstudieträff för Permakultur och regenerativt jordbruk” i Yrkeshögskolan Novia.


  1. => Nordic Diploma MOG meetings 7th of each month
  2. => Start SoFA Academy Sociocracy training
  3. <=> Nordic Permaculture Academy Meeting in Denmark 24.-26.2.2023
  4. => lectures in EUPC online Forum 1.-5.3.2023
  5. <=> Nordic Permaculture Academy gathering in Holma 10.-12.3.2023
  6. <= MEHILÄISEMPÄÄ MEHILÄISHOITOA Apicentric beekeeping course in Finnish 25.-26.3.2023
  7. => Meet the Wild Colonies at Blenheim Palace: visiting Blenheim Palace, UK 2.4.2023
  8. => Learning from the Bees conference, Sheepdrove Farm, UK 3.-4.4.2023
    • <= Holding a 5 min SpeedBeeTalk “(Re)wilding Honeybees in Karjalohja, Finland”
  9. => Visiting Applewood Permaculture Center (Looby Macnamara & Chris Evans) 5.-7.4.2023
  10. <=> Finnish Permaculture Association Spring Assembly 15.4.2023
  11. <= APICENTRIC BEEKEEPING Course in English 22.-23.4.
  12. <= Mushroom inoculation workshop at Iso-orvokkiniitty 29.4.2023
  13. => SoFA Conference 4.-5.5.2023
  14. <=> 1. PermaPiirit (PermaCircles) online gathering 11.5.2023
  15. <= World Bee Day at Iso-orvokkiniitty 20.5.2023
  16. => Tree Seedling course at Vakkataimi & Juha Ujula 11.6.2023
  17. 30.6.2023: Received SoFA Sociocracy Practitioner Certificate
  18. <= Holding our 2nd Permakulttuurin Perusteet (Introduction to Permaculture) course at Iso-orvokkiniitty. 15.-16.7.2023
  19. => 3.-6.8.2023: Participating in Nordic Permaculture Festival in Bøensætre in Norway.
  20. <= Giving a 90 minutes workshop about “Caring for Bees” in Nordic Permaculture Festival
  21. <= 26.8.2023: Open days at Iso-orvokkiniitty
  22. => 9.-10.9.2023: Implementing fungi in the garden, Joette Crosier, Lorin von Longo Liebenstei
  23. => 25.10.-29.11.2023: Permaculture Teacher Training with Alfred decker online-course. PTT certificate 18.12.2023
  24. <=> 24.-26.11.2023: NPA meeting in Vestjyllands Højskole, Denmark
  25. <= 1.12.2023: 60 min Permaculture intro “transition from consumer to producer” at “Urban Agriculture” course at Freising University, Germany



  • Leader (chairman) of the Finnish Permaculture Association 2023-24
  • Participating in Finnish Diploma Guild meetings (16.1. / 27.2./ )
  • Participating in NPA MOG meetings 2023-24.
  • Participating in Nordic Permaculture Boards meetings
  1. 2.1.2024: Received SoFA Sociocracy Facilitator certificate
  2. 2.2.2024 “Paikallista, uudistavaa ja kestävää tuotantoa” (Local, regenerative and sustainable production) whole day networking workshop where I hosted the Permaculture table in the world café. (c. 50 participants at Niipalan farm + 50 others online)
  3. I wrote an article in Finnish organic farmers magazine “Luomulehti” 1/2024: “Kestäviä tuotantotapoja permakulttuurin avulla” (Sustainable production with permaculture)
  4. NPA Diploma gathering at Holma Folkhögskola 22.-24.3.2024
  5. Mushroom inoculation workshop at Iso-orvokkiniitty 27.4.2024
  6. Planning and teaching at PDC course in Koroinen, Turku 15.-26.7.2024 (I was teaching on 4 days)
  7. Organising and facilitating Finnish Permaculture Summer gathering in Karjalohja 27.7.2024 (including speech about food system crises)
  8. Attending the Nordic Permaculture festival in Denmark 1.-4.8.2024 – holding 2 workshops there (Caring for Bees, Food Crises)
  9. Permaculture Introduction course (PIC) at Iso-orvokkiniitty 17.-18.8.2024
  10. 100 year celebration of Biodynamic farming at Qvidja, Parainen 5.10.2024